Durable risk adjusted performance
We manage globally diversified custom portfolios. Our goal is to particularly outperform in range bound and falling markets - when our returns are more valuable to our clients. Our focus is protecting wealth by providing a less correlated return profile positioned to capture asymmetric low probability/high potential pay-off events.
Tax efficient
Make your long-term equity holdings work harder. We apply a variety of strategies to maximize client returns on an after-tax basis as your needs evolve. We also work with your existing concentrated equity positions to hedge or monetize long-term holdings without triggering taxes.
An objective second opinion
With years of experience at a Swiss investment bank we are an objective second opinion when you consider other investment deals, need someone to brainstorm with or have general planning questions and want an independent extra set of eyes. However, we cannot give tax or legal advice.
Access to the Laguna Coast network
Our clients are fascinating and highly accomplished people. Our business partners are authorities in their specialties, but more importantly, they are patient long-term advisors. Across the U.S. or Asia we can help connect you with the resources to take your endeavors to the next level.